I fucking knew it!! With all this anti-psychiatry bs and urban never being able to concede that psychology might help him.
Bottom of this page contains a place to donate money to the Citizens Commission on Human Rights which is a SCIENTOLOGY ORGANIZATION!!
FUCK U URBAN!! I'm sorry that I ever offered advice to you. You oviously don't take your meds any more due to Co$ beliefs. Is your mom Susie?
You fuck!
BEWARE EVERYONE!! A hidden agenda is at play with urban.
where are you urban? still reading the hubbard pr manual? Remember: Attack, never defend - L. Ron
how are you going to handle my "theta outness"?
ha ha
CCHR was formed by Thomas Sasz, an anti-psychiatry psychiatrist who is not a scientologist, in collaboration with the Church of Scientology and the organization does not talk about Scientology anywhere on the site or when you call them. (I asked a representative on the phone about CCHR before I added that link to the page).
So the Church of Scientology is creepy-- they just got it right on one subject: psychiatry. I don't really know much else about them except that they have devices called e-meters and the organization was founded by a science fiction writer named L. Ron Hubbard. Also, there are accusations in Germany, I think, that they have made profits as a religious organization.
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psychology help you do what? pickup girls? ROTFL
smartest thing ever been said - picking up girls is like body building. 5% theory, 95% in the field, the mental muscle is being built from experience. the psychology might be acquired in retrospect, unconsciously, from field experience.
if you think that learning or using psychology will get you laid you are in for long long years of not
if you think psychology got ANYONE laid then you're as delusional as the classic community guys that we laugh about so much
some people have deep problems and need psychological therapy regardless of getting laid - sure. but it has nothing to do with getting women.
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Time for you to read this article that I wrote:
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You don't have just a link to CCHR, you have a fucking donation box. You are raising money for the church of $cientology.
Quotes from
"The CCHR continues to be entirely controlled by and subject to policy directives issued from the Church of Scientology"
"Although the organizations are incorporated separately, they are regarded by the United States Government as part of the Church of Scientology's network of corporate entities"
YOU ARE RAISING MONEY FOR SCIENTOLOGY! If that doesn't make you a $cientologist, i don't know what does.
>>General Grievous - My comments about psychology to urban were in the context of all my previous posts to him. In that, urban needs professional help for a psychiatric disorder which he readily admits to in several posts. Now, he is under the spell of $cientology thus not taking medication any more. BAD BAD BAD. urban does need immediate medical attention from a licensed psychologist/psychiatrist IMO.
btw - Your cchr affiliate code "cchrsid=kinbcobc597l0fkq3s1uik25h5" gets you 10% commish right? Just like all $cientologists get 10% commish, in perpetuity, from any course fees spent by "friends" that you bring in.
$cientology can't help you bro. Only the medical community. Please seek help now!